In Between Cultures


Founded in 2021 by Emily Ho, a senior honors student, majoring in Graphic Design at Suffolk University. In Between Cultures was created for Asian Americans (as well as other Asians born in non-Asian countries) to share their stories anonymously of being culturally in between, dealing with self identity, and/or racism. This is a very personal and sensitive topic that many Asian Americans do not speak of often.
According to Discovery Mood & Anxiety Program, "Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) live in a close-knit community with their family being at their center. Signs of weakness and negative emotions are shunned upon, and as a result, any mental health disorder is pushed under the rug due to the stigma of being “weak.” If an individual in an Asian American family admits that he or she needs help for their mental health, their parents and other family members may experience fear and shame."
In Between Cultures is a platform where you can anonymously share your story as an Asian born in a non-Asian country, whether you are Asian American, Asian Canadian, British Asian, etc. Share your stories of being Culturally In Between, or dealing with Self Identity, Racism and more with others like you.

A message from our founder,

"As a first generation Chinese American in my family, I have struggled culturally fitting in, and was rather someone who was in between. I created In Between Cultures so that other people like me can share their stories with what they dealt with growing up and issues from today. Not only being culturally in between, but stories of self identity and racism can be shared. In Between Cultures is a space for people to connect and understand each other. To my Asian brothers and sisters, it is okay to be different. You are not alone. We do belong. We belong in the in between because we are, Inbetweeners."
Founder - Emily Ho

Emily Ho


To submit your story anonymously or if you would like to include your first name or initials, click the link below!

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